This Tam-C Solutions app is designed to be used by personnel within the TAM-C KRE Response Team, or as directed by the TAM-C CEO, KRE Program Manager, or their designates. The purpose of this app is to provide those specific TAM-C personnel with recovery guidelines and industry best practices in response to receiving a report that a client or client’s employee(s) may be missing, isolated, detained, hijacked, kidnapped, or extorted. The guides within this app contain sensitive security information. Topics include: Types of kidnapping; Asset protection and kidnapping insurance; Missing person notification; Declaration of potential kidnapping; Confirmed kidnapping quick reference guide; TAM-C Case Officer support; Tam-C GSPC & Special Project Team (SPT) support; the TAM-C KRE process; and Crisis & personnel recovery management planning. Also included are important guidelines: Communicator selection and operational guidelines; Finance, law and negotiation guidelines; Communications and public relations guidelines; and Post-release guidelines and considerations. App users also have access to a space where they can maintain and submit case files and reports, fill in forms, and review checklists. The app also offers lists of important terms and definitions, as well as helpful resources. For further reading, research and resources, the TAM-C Solutions app is loaded up with electronic guides (eGuides) in its PDF library.